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Perms and beach waves are very popular and can be customized to give you that “just out of the water” appeal.

Visit Our Salon for Luxurious Custom Body Wave Curls

Want voluminous, loose waves or curls, various customized body wave or perm? Book an appointment! 

We will work with you to understand how you want your curls. Whether you’d like sexy beach waves, loose iron curls, or chic and funky spiral curls, customizing can help you obtain the flattering look for you.

Wavy curl combo

Add Volume to Your Hair with Custom Perm Curls

Add volume and shine to your hair with a semi-permanent body wave or customized curls. Body waves are not the traditional way as we know it. Customised curls provide control to your hair with texture and dimension. Our salon can help you achieve gorgeous curls by offering:

  • Bendables 

  • Rollers for soft curls


  • Body wave with special technique 

  • Custom body waves

Schedule a Professional Consultation

Add volume and depth to your hair but and find out what would work best with your face shape or hair type. Speak to a professional by scheduling a personal consultation at our salon. Consultation fee waived if service booked. 

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